"Hardwork alone, will never make you successful!" -Napoleon HillHave you done all the “right things?”Work hard, put in the long hours, saved money, went to school, received a degree, got into a good business or dating a beautiful person and still can’t seem to feel fulfilled or successful in your life?This course is for you!Success 101 is the teaching of the basic concepts of creating success and abundance in one’s life. Learning what the successful people know in relationships, influence, charisma, confidence, self-motivation, self-discipline, financial abundance or business and are actively doing but is not taught to the average person in school. Many of us know what changes needs to be made for us to reach a successful attitude but just don’t know how to do so. This course will not only teach you how, but it will give you action steps that will start putting these new habits into practice. These habits work but only if you work them.Personal Success:1. Mindset 1012. Communication 1013. Self-Esteem 101Financial Success:1. Money Management 1012. Wealth Accumulation 1013. Relationship Building 101When author Rich Fontaine was in his late teens graduating from high school he believed that going to college and getting a predominate degree was going to make him successful but to his dismay, he began failing more. He had terrible self-esteem issues that prevented him from getting good employment and keeping a solid relationship. He was constantly broke, using loose change to pay for gas or have dinner at night. He was getting into arguments, losing friends and leverage with his peers, believing he was just born a loser until he met a mentor that changed his way of thinking and doing. Learning these ideas and tips changed his life tremendously. He is now married with beautiful kids, an outstanding career, became an investor and an entrepreneur, and he wants to share these tips with his students now!